Sunday, April 3, 2016

Did you know that bullying happens worldwide? 


  1. So many kids around the world have taken their lives behind this.

    1. Shanika,
      Thank for your comment. Unfortunately, you are correct that many young people have committed suicide due to being a target of bullies. According to Hinduja and Patchin (2010), suicide among youths has become a severe public health concern in the United States. Several occurrences of students killing themselves because they had been bullied by their peers have been made public. The desire to commit suicide proves the severe impact that bulling can have.
      I want you to think hard about your loved ones before you consider suicide. The victim’s pain is very real and understandably so, but there are healthier ways in which you can deal with the pain of being bullied. Think about your family members, your mother, your father, your siblings, your grandparents, and other family members and friends who deeply love and care for you. You leave them behind to wonder painful thoughts for the rest of their lives: why didn’t he or she tell me; what happened, maybe I could have helped; I didn’t know that he or she was being bullied; if only I had known I could have gotten help; it’s my fault I should have known. Once again before you plan such a final ending, remember your loved ones. Find someone that you trust to talk to—another family member, a teacher, a police officer, a church member or pastor, if need be, a classmate who will have your best interest at heart. You are loved!

  2. Bullying really is a group thing where the bully had a bunch of friends and that cover him or her up. So most of time when teacher ask people for evidence, which don't really work because either the bully get away or the bully accused the victim that he do in conclusion bullying is a group thing. Savannah, Georgia Anoymous

    1. Bullying is a group thing, its just people who are trying to show off in front of others. Bullying is starting to get out of control. The people there showing off in front of, i bet is sensitive but dont want to show it so they join. There just tryin to fit in with others but there choosing the wrong crowd. But everybody should know that no one is perfect in this world.
